
Wooden 7 Moons Weekly Calendar

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Contains 7 Nins®-acorns in 7 colors that are associated with each day of the week according to Waldorf pedagogy. 7 vessels and 1 round dish (18cm diameter) where the elements are contained.
Material to experience the weekly cyclic rhythm. The children will associate each day with their color, and in this way they will be able to understand the passage of the days.
Many ancient cultures believed that every day of the week had it’s own planet, colour, scent and grain. Then, this ideas were applied by Waldorf pedagogies.
Monday: moon, rice, purple or violet, jasmine. Tuesday: Mars, red, Barley, clove.
Wednesday, Mercury, Millet, yellow, copal. Thursday, Jupiter, rye, orange, cedar…
Friday: Venus, oats, green, rose
Saturday: Saturn, corn, indigo or blue, myrrh. Sunday: sun, wheat, white, frankincense
Hand made in Spain. 


Grapat means "a handful" in Catalan, the native language of where Grapat is from. Grapat has grown a lot over the years, and needing more and more production space every year, but it is still and always will be a family project. Grapat's muse is nature but children is the main inspiration. Grapat wants to make sure that every child has a free and respectful upbringing, filled with playtimes that are open-ended.
